WEEKLY ACTIVITIES #11 – 29th JUNE (KS3) Posted on 26 June 202029 June 2020 by BBS CLICK: HOME LEARNING WEEK 11 PLANNER (KS3) MATHS - Odd and even. MATHS: Week 11 Activities MATHS: Even and odd numbers MATHS: Odd and even MATHS: Magical muddle odd and even numbers activity ENGLISH - Reading Comprehension and phonics work. ENGLISH: Week 11 Work ENGLISH: Writing Super Sentences - Differentiated Activity Sheets ENGLISH: Phase 2 - Pictures and Captions Matching Worksheets ENGLISH: The Queen's Knickers - Reading Comprehension ENGLISH: The Queen's Knickers - Design an outfit SCIENCE - String Telephones. SCIENCE: Week 11 Work SCIENCE: What is sound? SCIENCE: String Telephones SCIENCE: Science lesson - Bubbling Magic Potions LIVING SKILLS - Set the table using knife, fork, plate and glass. ART - How to draw a Beach Hut ART: How to draw an Beach Hut - Guide S3 Topic Work - Week 11 S3 Topic Work - Week 11 Parent Notes S3 Topic Work - Week 11 - Design a Postcard COOKING - Plain Scones COOKING: Plain Scones s2 STORY AND RESOURCES Here Come The Aliens! - Lesson ideas Solar System Fact Cards Space Themed Addition Sheet Solar System Mobile Craft Activity Planet Read and Colour Activity Sheet Solar System Labelling Activity Sheets Cut Out Space Rocket Model Templates Space Themed Maths Activity Book Space Themed Mindfulness Colouring Pages Space Themed i spy with my little eye activity Space Themed Cut and Stick Number Ordering Sheets Rocket colouring Colour the aliens Cut and Stick Rocket Planet facts activity sheet Write a profile for each alien Design an Alien Activity Sheet What would you pack in your suitcase? Name the Alien - Themed Wanted Poster Order of the planets - activity sheet What Would I Take To Space? Rocket Writing Frame Design and Technology - Lesson Plan
WEEKLY ACTIVITIES #10 – 22nd JUNE (KS1) Posted on 19 June 202019 June 2020 by BBS CLICK: HOME LEARNING WEEK 10 PLANNER (KS1) MONDAY Watch 'The Bad-Tempered Ladybird'. Can you complete the activities in the Literacy folder? The Bad-Tempered Ladybird counting activity The Bad-Tempered Ladybird story sequencing The Bad-Tempered Ladybird Pencil control sheets The Bad-Tempered Ladybird home learning challenge TUESDAY Watch cloud dough making. Can you make some Cloud dough Minibeasts Can you play with spaghetti worms or any of the other sensory minibeast ideas on the sheet? SENSORY PLAY: Minibeast sensory play ideas SENSORY PLAY: Recipe for: How To Dye Pasta And Rice Bright Colours WEDNESDAY Watch the feelings film. Can you complete the feelings sorting sheet? FEELINGS: Happy sad and angry sorting activity FEELINGS: Emotions and feelings presentation THURSDAY Watch the phonics rhyming words film. Can you carry out the rhyming activities? PHONICS: Rhythm and Rhyme Home Learning Challenge PHONICS: Rhyming Words Home Learning Activity Sheet FRIDAY Watch the 'Clock' film. Can you put the numbers on your own clock? Can you play the clock bingo game? CLOCKS: Clock bingo CLOCKS: Clock template STORY and NURSERY RYHMES