Sailor LOVES this song and watches it on repeat.
Sailor loves watching the water come crashing out in Totnes.
Sailor enjoying jasper the cat with Brenda.
Sailor & phonics with Brenda.
Jo took this photo of a squirrel
Jo took this photo in Totnes of the River at High Tide
We had fun at the allotment and looking around outside
We had fun at the allotment and looking around outside
Stefan's wildlife photography
Zoe Craven found some tadpoles on her walk
Zoe has been on some lovely walks
Amy has been doing lots of reading
Stefan's wildlife photography
Zoe Craven has been growing lettuces and chives
heres some statistics i have done .i have loved doing this
Marie Quinn: These are six sets of hospital scrubs that I made for Torbay Hospital last week. I was asked to make them by my brother who works there.
My lantern has fishes and an octopus called noodles.
I am special because... I tried really hard with my writing. Mum helped steady my hand.
Here is a rainbow. Thank you for your lovely letter.
Did anyone else get seeds in the post? I planted my cress and made egg heads. They haven't grown yet.
I have also planted seeds into hanging baskets for the summer!
I have been taking my dog Oscar for long walks!
I have been walking down by the river Dart every day, look what i saw on Sunday
I had some beautiful birthday flowers sent to me from my daughter.
Charlotte climbed a tree at school
Charlotte made a Pizza at school
We learnt about my house. I made a map and we played a game to guess my favourite room.
Marie has been making face mask extenders for Torbay hospital. She made 40 - Wow!!!
I am really good at using the pegs now.
Raegan walked to the bluebell woods
Jenga a horse from the Mare and Foal Centre
Julia Bolton has been doing lots of gardening.
Sam playing buckaroo today.